Minggu, 03 November 2013

[G134.Ebook] Download Spearfishing in Skatahori: Tales of Modern Greece, by Matt Barrett

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Spearfishing in Skatahori: Tales of Modern Greece, by Matt Barrett

Spearfishing in Skatahori: Tales of Modern Greece, by Matt Barrett

Spearfishing in Skatahori: Tales of Modern Greece, by Matt Barrett

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Spearfishing in Skatahori: Tales of Modern Greece, by Matt Barrett

Matt Barrett's Greece Travel Guides are known world wide for their combination of humor, great photography and for being a valuable source of information. His first book is a journal of a summer spent in a Greek village by the sea with his wife, daughter and mother-in-law as well as a cast of colorful characters in a series of misadventures that are laugh-out-loud funny.

The title comes from the countless Greek-American kids, forced to travel around the Greek countryside with their parents, visiting their ancestral homes, who cried in anguish from the back seat of the car "Oh No! Not another sh**ty village!"

This book is required reading for anyone traveling to Greece or who has traveled to Greece with a difficult or dysfunctional family. Matt Barrett shows us that when heaven takes on the appearance of hell there is always a way to escape, through humor, food, wine, and going under water.

  • Sales Rank: #1163537 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-13
  • Released on: 2015-06-13
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Captivating Humour and Insight into an Amazing Country he Knows so Well
By Philip Lawvere
Anyone who has any experience with Greece, or for that matter even those with none, will find Matt's way of telling stories totally delightful. He has that rare gift of writing without pretences, sounding like he is just reminiscing and talking to a friend. Actually like talking to a friend while having an ouzo, which affords that occasional philosophical musing and intuition as to the deeper meanings of a given situation. He has a neat and dry sense of humour, and I have enjoyed his memoires of life in Greece like a modern day Henry Miller.

I first discovered his writings on his website http://greecetravel.com, where I found myself lost in story after story. His only fault perhaps is that you quickly forget what exact boat schedule you were looking for as you travel down his long and colourful memories of life and travel in all parts of Greece.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Great summer read!
By corinne chandler
An irresistible combination of travel stories, every-man philosophy and comedy make this book a great read. Often laugh out loud funny, Matt's wry outlook on life will engage the reader from the first chapter to the last. To sum it up, this book won't teach you the secrets of spearfishing but after reading it, you will feel you've have gained a new friend!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A great read!
By Karima
An often laugh-out-loud recounting of the author's adventures and relationship with Greece over the years. I enjoyed the unpretentious, honest and insightful telling of his personal stories of Greece that made me feel I was listening to a great storyteller of the oral tradition.

See all 6 customer reviews...

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[G134.Ebook] Download Spearfishing in Skatahori: Tales of Modern Greece, by Matt Barrett Doc

[G134.Ebook] Download Spearfishing in Skatahori: Tales of Modern Greece, by Matt Barrett Doc
[G134.Ebook] Download Spearfishing in Skatahori: Tales of Modern Greece, by Matt Barrett Doc

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