Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

[Z833.Ebook] Ebook Free Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths

Ebook Free Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths

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Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths

Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths

Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths

Ebook Free Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths

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Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths

A fascinating exploration of how computer algorithms can be applied to our everyday lives, helping to solve common decision-making problems and illuminate the workings of the human mind
All our lives are constrained by limited space and time, limits that give rise to a particular set of problems. What should we do, or leave undone, in a day or a lifetime? How much messiness should we accept? What balance of new activities and familiar favourites is the most fulfilling? These may seem like uniquely human quandaries, but they are not: computers, too, face the same constraints, so computer scientists have been grappling with their version of such problems for decades. And the solutions they've found have much to teach us.
In a dazzlingly interdisciplinary work, acclaimed author Brian Christian (who holds degrees in computer science, philosophy, and poetry, and works at the intersection of all three) and Tom Griffiths (a UC Berkeley professor of cognitive science and psychology) show how the simple, precise algorithms used by computers can also untangle very human questions. They explain how to have better hunches and when to leave things to chance, how to deal with overwhelming choices and how best to connect with others. From finding a spouse to finding a parking spot, from organizing one's inbox to understanding the workings of human memory, Algorithms to Live By transforms the wisdom of computer science into strategies for human living."

  • Sales Rank: #191107 in Books
  • Published on: 2017-04-04
  • Released on: 2017-04-04
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: .0" h x .0" w x .0" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 368 pages


“A remarkable book... A solid, research-based book that’s applicable to real life. The algorithms the authors discuss are, in fact, more applicable to real-life problems than I’d have ever predicted.... It’s well worth the time to find a copy of Algorithms to Live By and dig deeper.”

“By the end of the book, I was convinced. Not because I endorse the idea of living like some hyper-rational Vulcan, but because computing algorithms could be a surprisingly useful way to embrace the messy compromises of real, non-Vulcan life.”
―The Guardian (UK)

“I absolutely reveled in this book... It's the perfect antidote to the argument you often hear from young math students: ‘What's the point? I'll never use this in real life!’... The whole business, whether it's the relative simplicity of the 37% rule or the mind-twisting possibilities of game theory, is both potentially practical and highly enjoyable as presented here. Recommended.”
―Popular Science (UK)

“An entertaining, intelligently presented book... Craftily programmed to build from one good idea to the next... The value of being aware of algorithmic thinking―of the thornier details of ‘human algorithm design,’ as Christian and Griffiths put it―is not just better problem solving, but also greater insight into the human mind. And who doesn’t want to know how we tick?”
―Kirkus Reviews

“Compelling and entertaining, Algorithms to Live By is packed with practical advice about how to use time, space, and effort more efficiently. And it’s a fascinating exploration of the workings of computer science and the human mind. Whether you want to optimize your to-do list, organize your closet, or understand human memory, this is a great read.”
―Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit

“In this remarkably lucid, fascinating, and compulsively readable book, Christian and Griffiths show how much we can learn from computers. We’ve all heard about the power of algorithms―but Algorithms to Live Byactually explains, brilliantly, how they work, and how we can take advantage of them to make better decisions in our own lives.”
―Alison Gopnik, coauthor of The Scientist in the Crib

“I’ve been waiting for a book to come along that merges computational models with human psychology―and Christian and Griffiths have succeeded beyond all expectations. This is a wonderful book, written so that anyone can understand the computer science that runs our world―and more importantly, what it means to our lives.”
―David Eagleman, author of Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain

About the Author
Brian Christian is the author of The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive, which was a Wall Street Journal bestseller and a New Yorker favorite book of the year. Alongside Steven Pinker and Daniel Kahneman, he was shortlisted for the Best Book of Ideas prize in the UK.

Tom Griffiths is a professor of psychology and cognitive science at UC Berkeley, where he directs the Computational Cognitive Science Lab. He has received widespread recognition for his scientific work, including awards from the American Psychological Association and the Sloan Foundation.

Most helpful customer reviews

227 of 238 people found the following review helpful.
Great book, disagreed with a few points, overall awesome
By Shiri Dori-Hacohen
[The original title of this review was: "Great book, though a few inaccuracies & bold claims". See below for two updates on the review and why I changed the title.]

I'm a little over halfway with this recently published book, which I'm really enjoying so far - and I expect to enjoy it all the way to the end. A lot of great and unexpected insights here, and it seems that the authors did a good job explaining extremely complex algorithms and showing their applicability to real life (though it's hard for me to tell how good their explanations are to a novice, since I'm an expert in the field - I have two masters in Computer Science and working on my PhD, and was familiar with 90% of the algorithms described before opening the book).

My biggest quibble with this book (and the reason they lost a star) is that I noticed a few annoying/sloppy inaccuracies, which makes [made! - see below for updates] me ever so slightly doubt the accuracy and veracity of other areas of the book that I'm less familiar with. The other issue is the boldness of their (otherwise very interesting) conjectures.

For example, the authors misunderstand and misquote the 2-minute rule from David Allen's Getting Things Done, claiming the rule tells you to perform any less than 2-min task immediately when it occurs to you - and essentially simplifying the entire GTD system into the 2-min rule, which is in fact a tiny part of GTD (pg. 105-106). In fact, however, Allen does not suggest that at all - that would distract you from whatever you're currently engaged with, i.e. require a context switch (the costs of which the authors discuss at length). Instead, you should write that task down and add it to your intray, just like any other task. The 2-minute rule is applied later, while clearing your intray (which can be anytime in the next 48 hours). The point of the 2-minute rule is that the time spent on adding this task into your otherwise-extremely-flexible GTD system, and then tracking it in said system, would take longer than two minutes. This type of tracking is akin to what the authors refer to as "meta-work", and thus performing the 2-min task at inbox clearing time saves you an equal or greater amount of meta-work later. This is completely in line with the type of scheduling suggestions that the authors discuss. I'm not familiar with the other popular advice books the authors quote in the scheduling chapter or in the others chapters (e.g. the empty-your-closet type books they discuss in chapter 4), so I don't know if there are other such mischaracterizations, but it makes me suspect there might be. And I get that they're trying to differentiate their own advice from "all the other pop books out there", but if they're going to explicitly cite other books, they should try not to misrepresent them.

Also, when discussing the Gittins rule and the multi-armed bandit problem, they say that a machine with a 0-0 record has "a Gittins index of 0.7029. In other words, something you have no experience with whatsoever is more attractive than a machine that you know pays out seven times out of ten!" (pg. 40). However, their own table on the same page clearly shows that a machine with a 7-3 record has a Gittins index of 0.7187, making such a machine ever so slightly superior to a 0-0 one. After some more reading I realized that what they meant was that a machine with a 0-0 record and *uncertainty* is better than a *certain payout* of 70% (i.e. guaranteed to payout 7 out of 10), but that was not what the text implied.

To be clear, these inaccuracies in and of themselves aren't huge - but they planted a seed of doubt in my mind [which is not as big anymore - see below] as to whether there were other such misrepresentations or inaccuracies in the book that I simply hadn't caught, and detracted from my enjoyment of the book.

The other concern I have with this book is that several chapters end with provocative suggestions that aren't actually empirically-backed. These conjectures are cool, but I'd have liked to see scientists be more careful about making such bold claims, or at least couching them in the need for more research to establish whether they were entirely true. One example here was the discussion about the decline of aging supposedly being a result of simply having a larger history to remember (pgs 103-104). This is a fascinating conjecture, and one that deserves to be studied properly, but they are basing it on some research work that was not age-related. I suspect the authors may be on to something, at least in the context of "normal aging" cognitive decline as opposed to, say, alzheimer-related decline. However, as stated in the text, the conjectures are stated a bit too strongly for my tastes ("But as you age, and begin to experience these sporadic latencies, take heart: the length of the delay is partly an indicator of the extent of your experience.", pg 104). I'd hate to see anyone making decisions based on them - potentially missing an earlier diagnosis, say, of alzheimer's, because the authors claimed that cognitive decline is totally normal.

Quibbles and concerns notwithstanding, I'm definitely enjoying the book and I think it's a great addition to the new genre of what's being called by some "science-help". It's also a good read for people who are tired of the same-old, and thirsty for some advice that's off the beaten path.

The rest of the book was as good as I expected.
Additionally, I sent this review to the lead author (Brian Christian) in case he wanted to address these issues. I was delighted to receive a very thoughtful response from him! They will be fixing the Gittens rule description in the paperback edition, to make it clearer to the reader. The author respectfully disagreed with me on the other two issues (GTD 2 minute rule & cognitive decline).
Given what I saw in the email, I'd say the intentions behind the book definitely merit 5 stars (even though I still disagree on their presentation of those two topics). However, I'll leave the original title & rating of 4 stars as it stands for the original hardcover edition, and for consistency's sake. As I originally said, the book stands as an excellent addition to the genre, and also likely as a great first exposure into Computer Science if you've never had any.

2nd update:
Apparently, this review is now listed as the top most helpful review on Amazon (cool!). The book has been so successful that the first author (Brian Christian) recently informed me that the book is now on its third printing, which means that the Gittins index issue mentioned above is now fixed in the current and future editions. As for the other issues I had, they are more subjective in nature, and not large enough in and of themselves to merit the original (harsher) title of the review. Again, for completeness' sake and to avoid rewriting history, I leave the original review as its stands and the original title is listed below the new title, with only a few comments in brackets leading readers to these updates in the bottom.

89 of 95 people found the following review helpful.
A superior guide to the science of living well
By Ed R
The most thoughtful and meaningful book I have read since Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow”. It extends that work by detailing the extensive computer science research that has been done which illuminates those techniques (i.e., algorithms) that support our brain’s natural capabilities in order to make the best possible life decisions. It shows when it pays to be precise and rigorous and when the best choices can be made by less stringent analyses. And where “winging it” or ‘using gut feelings’ may indeed produce the best results. The authors accomplish these valuable lessons through clear explanatory writing, pertinent examples drawn from both computer design and the real (human) world and a fine sense of humor.
In addition to wonderfully fulfilling its stated goal the book also provides the reader with a solid overview of the current state of computer design and architecture and some strong validations of the received wisdom that has come to us from philosophy and religion.

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed this book
By Amazon Customer
Awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed this book. As an engineer with some programming experience I am drawn to algorithms and mathematics, and not only did this book put various algorithms in historical context, but it demonstrated how they can be applied to life while adding a philosophical twist. The authors are skilled at explaining difficult subjects using easy to understand language that builds from simple to complex at just the right pace, all the while using real world examples. Not only did I enjoy the read, but I learned new things that often prompted tangent explorations to learn more. The book left me with a hunger to delve deeper into many of the subjects discussed, and made me challenge, and sometimes affirm, many of my own philosophical beliefs. Well done!

See all 74 customer reviews...

Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths PDF
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[Z833.Ebook] Ebook Free Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths Doc

[Z833.Ebook] Ebook Free Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions, by Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths Doc
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Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

[T536.Ebook] Download How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi

Download How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi

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How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi

How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi

How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi

Download How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi

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How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi

From a corner of the garage set up for routine maintenance to a dream shop housing precious classic machines, this book will help motorcyclists make the most of their available space. Packed with easy-to-read practical advice, author C. G. Masi walks the reader through designing, building, and equipping the workshop they need -- whether they plan to restore, repair, and maintain their own bikes or hope to open a small commercial facility. He starts by helping readers determine their work space and storage needs to create a shop layout that matches their budget. He then addresses basics such as providing adequate electrical power, lighting, and heat and air conditioning. With the workshop design in place, the must-have and want-to-have tools to appropriately equip the space, and best of all, how to use them, are identified. This new third edition includes numerous profiles of real world workshops, from small garage spaces to purpose-built restoration and race-prep shops, providing ideas and inspiration for Do-It-Yourselfers. Each profile has a scaled layout of the shop with photos, as well as tips from the owner and designer. It also features a new comprehensive and up-to-date directory of resources for equipment, tools, computers, battery powered tools, and energy saving tips.

  • Sales Rank: #298936 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-04-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.25" h x .50" w x 8.13" l, 1.39 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 176 pages

About the Author
In addition to working as a college professor, scientist, and engineer, C.G. Masi has been wrenching on, riding, and writing about motorcycles for three decades. He holds a B.S. degree in Physics and Masters Degrees in Astrophysics and Business Administration.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Love this book
By Samaad Seales
Love this book, very helpful info. As a novice, I'm using the techniques to set up my garage. Highly recommend ro those looking to get into wrenching.

22 of 23 people found the following review helpful.
Experience based
By Dan
This book is not trying to sell you a $13k tool chest or a $20 4-pack of soap stone that will somehow make it all happen. It's been put together by the kind of guy who get's dressed up in his best pair of jeans and t-shirt to pose next to the incredible thing he just built. Written in a way that anyone could design their own shop even if all they have is a bucket of loose 1970's no-name sockets, some scrap wood, a 1980's stripped Honda, a pile of half-rusted wrenches, and a garage like those you rent in an apartment complex. I am a pro mechanic, welder, and fabricator and my home shop is a compilation of not so pretty stuff that works great. Half the time I walk through the door of my shop and wonder how anything comes out alive! This book is designed so anyone, regardless of budget, can dream up a shop and not worry about going broke in the process. I enjoy books like this because they remind me that skill and vision trump high-dollar tools and a glistening shop that looks like the only thing that's even been run in it was a mop.

14 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
An In-depth and colorful look at workshop setup
By dirtbikepete
I greatly enjoyed this in-depth look at the motorcycle workshop. Since I am setting up my own shop, I constantly pictured how the concepts put forth by the author could be applied to my work area. The author is a wealth of information, and is very good at providing some alternate methods when applicable to suit a person's personal taste. There is much more to setting up an efficient workshop than one would think, and this is obvious after the first page or two. How do you set up an efficient and effective motorcycle workshop? The author pretty much slam-dunks that question, with lots of real-life examples, some common pitfalls, and a dry but very funny sense of humor. If you really, really want to know about setting up a shop, look no further. Another excellent book in a high quality series of books.

See all 21 customer reviews...

How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi PDF
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[T536.Ebook] Download How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi Doc
[T536.Ebook] Download How to Set Up Your Motorcycle Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Building and Equipping Your Dream Workshop (Whitehorse Tech), by C G Masi Doc

Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

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The New Music: The Avant-garde since 1945, by Reginald Smith Brindle

This guide to the more adventurous evolutions of music since 1945--pointillism, post-Webernism, integral serialism, free dodecaphony, aleatory and indeterminate music, graphics, musique concrete, electronic music, and theatre music--was first published in 1975 and has been reprinted several times. For this second edition, Smith Brindle has added a new chapter reviewing developments over the decade since first publication. He discusses the decline of experimentalism and the reaction against increasing cerebralism and complexity as variously illustrated by the more recent works of Stockhausen, the minimalist works of Reich and Glass, and the partial return to romanticism. He also reviews the technological revolution which has taken place in computer music and concludes that the future of music will for the time being be most closely associated with technological change and development, rather than with radical changes in compositional techniques.

  • Sales Rank: #1734151 in Books
  • Published on: 1987-08-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.25" h x .50" w x 5.69" l, .59 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 230 pages

'A lively, well-organized, lucid, historically aware, and concise survey of the techniques, aspirations, interaction, and sociology of the avant garde as it has evolved since the end of World War II...a book that might easily be used as a text for an undergraduate course. Moreover, it could, with careful and intelligent application, be used for study by non-musicians.' Notes reviewing the first edition

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
A great source for the new music
By Aye Yasak
As to talk about the new music and go further deeply into it, one has to clearly define the roots, social situation, paradigms, early tendencies of pioneers, theoretical backround of art in general with its relation to the overall world view and so on... Brindle's success on figuring out these concepts deserves an appreciation. The book achieves to provide a wide understanding of twentieth century music with almost all aspects of the reasoning of artistic creativity of our age. One of the most important qualities of this book also underlies in it's perfectly selected musical examples provided quite often within the text that are also including new technics used in the "new" music. From this point of view alone, it would be evaluated as the second book after Erhard Karkoschka's "Notation in New Music". Though it is mostly in charge of musicologists who are in search of a comprehensive twentieth century music source rather than composers especially focusing on compositional tools but anyway it is a must have book for both.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Fine synopsis of post-war trends in the avant garde
By Moraine Lake
Worthwhile addition to the library of books devoted to contemporary music. The presentation is quite lucid and the topics covered are quite relevant for today's composer, or those interested in modern techniques. There is very little coverage of the most recent composers, namely those working in neo-tonal contexts, but there is a mention of this trend in an epilogue. I find the graphical information in the book some of the best content in the book. Some chapters try to cover somewhat technical topics too quickly, but if you read it carefully enough, it's comprehensible.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

[S900.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis, by Elizabeth Pomeroy

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Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis, by Elizabeth Pomeroy

Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis, by Elizabeth Pomeroy

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Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis, by Elizabeth Pomeroy

This practical workbook facilitates readers' understanding of the DSM-5 and other texts related to the diagnoses of mental disorders, enhancing their ability to assess their clients' strengths and to diagnose any emotional difficulties the clients may be experiencing. As a workbook, it offers a wealth of real life examples and exercises, providing users with the opportunity to practice their assessment skills in a classroom environment prior to entering the field as a mental health professional. Readers learn the various diagnostic categories of the DSM-5-along with dual diagnoses, symptom formulation, and the overlap between diagnostic categories-as well as how to apply these categories to clients they will be seeing in practice.

  • Sales Rank: #50520 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-08-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.70" h x .80" w x 8.40" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 480 pages

About the Author
Elizabeth Pomeroy earned a B.A. at the University of North Carolina-Asheville, an M.S.W. at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and a Ph.D. at The University of Texas at Austin. With more than 20 years of experience, Pomeroy's current teaching and research interests include clinical social work courses with a focus on mental health, health and children, and families; HIV/AIDS interventions; crime victims; interventions for offenders in the criminal justice system; and clinical social work group interventions for children, adults, and families.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
This is extremely useful for anyone who seeks answers to the new DSM-5
By Nancy Togar
Such a well written book. This is extremely useful for anyone who seeks answers to the new DSM-5.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Reese
Great way to practice assessment and diagnosis! I just wish the answers were in the book!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By kayk
The book is an excellent purchase the case exercises are realistic,very fast delivery.

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Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

[R881.Ebook] PDF Ebook Jesus as a Figure in History: How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee, by Mark Allan Powell

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Jesus as a Figure in History: How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee, by Mark Allan Powell

Jesus as a Figure in History: How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee, by Mark Allan Powell

Jesus as a Figure in History: How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee, by Mark Allan Powell

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Jesus as a Figure in History: How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee, by Mark Allan Powell

Here is the first comprehensive, balanced account of historical Jesus studies. Beginning with brief discussions of the early days of historical research into the person of Jesus and the methods developed by researchers at the time, Mark Allen Powell offers insightful overviews of some of the most important participants in the contemporary Jesus quests.

  • Sales Rank: #1135454 in Books
  • Published on: 1998-11-01
  • Released on: 1998-11-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x .53" w x 6.14" l, .90 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 250 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Anyone intrigued by the history, methodology and results of the research done in the quest for the historical Jesus should read Powell's study. In his opening chapter, Powell notes that interest in the historical Jesus began in the 1700s due to Reimarus's volume that declared Jesus to be a messiah only in a worldly, political sense. He then explains how later scholars have influenced the search for the historical Jesus. The heart of the book lies in Powell's "snapshots" of Jesus, a sampling of the diverse portraits of the historical Jesus and of the scholars who are engaged in contemporary research, including: Jesus as social prophet (Richard A. Horsley); Jesus as charismatic Jew (Geza Vermes); Jesus as magician (Morton Smith); Jesus as Jewish sage (Ben Witherington III); and Jesus as cynic philosopher (F. Gerald Downing). He then presents what he regards as the six key players in the current quest for the historical Jesus?the participants in the Jesus Seminar, John Dominic Crossan, Marcus J. Borg, E.P. Sanders, John P. Meier and N.T. Wright?and offers critiques of their methods and findings. Powell concludes that the goal of our search for the historical Jesus should be "the Jesus of a story, a story of which history is but a part, sometimes a shadow."
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

About the Author
Mark Allan Powell is Robert and Phyllis Leatherman Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.

Most helpful customer reviews

39 of 41 people found the following review helpful.
Clear, scholarly, meaningful, and even devotional!
By Mark A. Almlie
I couldn't get enough of this book. Powell is a wonderful writer, and he introduces us to the perspectives of Historical Jesus scholars of the last two centuries with absolute clarity and just the right details. I just had a lot of fun reading on the different scholarly views on who that ancient man of sorrows was. Powell seemingly has no axe to grind, seems completely competent to plough the terrain, and makes the whole trip worth it with the last two pages of the book....After this huge deluge of information about what Jesus did or did not say; after all of the guessing concerning Jesus message; after probing why Jesus has remained so controversial after 2000 years, Powell offers a tantalizing scenario concerning the very first Christian words ever penned on the last two pages (his only personal reflections in the book). I had to wipe the tears from my eyes after that.
This book is a 5 all the way. You won't be disappointed regardless of your view of who Jesus was (or is).

23 of 24 people found the following review helpful.
who do historians say that I am?
By Ashtar Command
Who was Jesus of Nazareth? Today, few scholars doubt that Jesus actually existed, that he was a real historical figure. But exactly who or what was he? A raving madman? A prophet? A self-proclaimed Messiah? Or...?

This book, written by Mark Allan Powell (who is incidentally a Lutheran) doesn't give an answer to the question "who was Jesus". Rather, it describes the views of various scholars on the matter. Inevitably, there are many different views on Jesus within the scholarly community.

Powell begins by giving a short historical background. He describes how scholars during the 18th and 19th centuries attempted to cast Jesus in a "naturalist" mold. His miracles were really natural occurances, misunderstood by the superstitious disciples. The "kingdom of God" preached by Jesus was an earthly, political entity, not something supernatural and divine. And so on. The eschatological, apocalyptic and messianic elements of the Gospels were rejected as later ideas, and Jesus was transformed into a figure acceptable to 19th century agnostics or atheists. During the first half of the 20th century, Albert Schweitzer decisively challenged these ideas, "rediscovering" the eschatological ideas of Jesus, placing him once again in a firm 1st century Palestinian context. However, Schweitzer also believed that Jesus had failed in his mission, and that 20th century Christians must adopt an ultra-liberal, Social Gospel stance.

The main bulk of the book is devoted to contemporary scholars and their views of the historical Jesus. Powell does a good job in describing the various positions, the criticism levelled against them, and the often tricky methodological issues involved. For instance, how do we know which parts of the Gospels give the most trustworthy historical information about Jesus? How should apocryphal texts like "the Gospel of Thomas" be evaluated? What about the Talmud? Etc.

A particularly tricky criterion is the one called Dissimilarity. If a statement purported to be by Jesus is very different from 1st century Jewish conceptions, while also being potentially embarrasing to the early Church, it's usually deemed authentic. However, the Dissimilarity criterion gets problematic if taken to far. If the historical Jesus was neither "Jewish" nor "Christian", its difficult to explain why he recruited Jewish disciples who eventually founded the Christian Church! Dissimilarity risk turning Jesus into an inexplicable anomaly. In reality, there must have been at least some continuity between John the Baptist, Jesus and Paul. Why else would Jesus become a follower of John? And why else would Paul claim to act in Jesus name? Powell also points out another very common problem: those who attempt to reconstruct the "real" ideas of Jesus often end up with a Jesus whose ideas are similiar to their own! Leftist radicals end up with a leftist radical Jesus, Catholics with a Catholic Jesus, vegeterians with a vegetarian Jesus... Indeed, one of the things that made Schweitzer so remarkable was precisely that he came up with a Jesus he couldn't agree with.

The scholarly opinions described by Powell include those of John Dominic Crossan, Marcus J. Borg, E.P. Sanders, John P. Meier and N.T. Wright. Crossan and Borg are members of the Jesus Seminar and represent the "liberal" part of the spectrum, with Crossan speculating that Jesus was a kind of Cynic antinomian philosopher, more Hellenistic than Jewish, indeed, something of a 1st century hippie. By contrast, N.T. Wright openly defends the Biblical position, claiming that Jesus might very well have believed himself to be the God of Israel in the flesh. Of course, it's difficult to escape the suspiscion that Crossan is a hippie of sorts himself, while Wright is, of course, the bishop of Durham!

As already noted, the author of "Jesus as a figure in history" never answers that Question of Questions Jesus put to his disciples: "Who do you say that I am?". But at least, he has made it possible for the rest of us to contemplate the scholarly responses.

Five stars!

34 of 38 people found the following review helpful.
a clear explanation of a difficult and complex subject
By Erick Nelson
Dr. Powell is head of the Historical Jesus section of the SBL. He not only is a New Testament scholar in his own right, he is also a respected colleague and friend of the Jesus Scholars he discusses. He not only has read their works, but he understands their positions from the inside.
In my experience, the study of the Historical Jesus is sometimes characterized by rhetoric, special pleading, and an unfruitful "us" vs. "them" attitude. While Powell is forthright about his own views when this is appropriate, he comes across as
surprisingly objective as he discusses the pros and cons of each position. This is aided by the fact that the Jesus scholars often disagree with each other - so he can just say "Wright would take issue with that", or "Crossan responds to this view
in this way."
Powell's writing style is refreshingly informal at times, and he obviously strives for clarity over the "scholar-speak" so often encountered. At the same time, he is obviously familiar with the technical concepts and not only throws the jargon around
but often explains it.
The book shows unusual restraint - Powell gives the reader room to formulate his/her own conclusions, while providing insight into both the issues and the scholars themselves.
I understand that this book is used in college courses as an introduction to the subject, and I can see why.
_Jesus As a Figure in History_ is a rare contribution: a clear explanation of a difficult and complex subject. I give it a 5.

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Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

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  • Sales Rank: #10684167 in Books
  • Dimensions: 5.75" h x 1.38" w x 8.66" l,
  • Binding: Paperback

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Senin, 16 Desember 2013

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Start Your Own Corporation: Why the Rich Own Their Own Companies and Everyone Else Works for Them (Rich Dad Advisors), by Garrett Sutton

We live in a highly litigious world. As you live your life you must keep your guard up. As you grow your wealth you must protect it. For those who don’t predators await, and their attorneys will use every trick in the toolbox to get at - whether large or small-your unprotected assets.

Start Your Own Corporation educates you on an action plan to protect your life’s gains. Corporate attorney and best selling author Garrett Sutton clearly explains the all too common risks of failing to protect yourself and the strategies for limiting your liability going forward. The information is timely, accessible and applicable to every citizen in every situation.

Garrett Sutton has spent the last thirty years protecting clients’ assets and implementing corporate structures to limit liability. This significant experience shines through in a very readable book on the why to’s and how to’s for achieving asset protection. Start Your Own Corporation teaches how to select between corporations and LLCs and how to use Nevada and Wyoming entities to your maximum advantage. This non-technical and easy to understand book also educates on the importance of following corporate formalities, using business tax deductions and building business credit.

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says, “Start Your Own Corporation is a must read for anyone with any assets to protect.”

  • Sales Rank: #22130 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-03-20
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 6.00" w x 1.00" l, .70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 220 pages

About the Author
Garrett Sutton is an attorney, best selling author and one of Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Advisors. A clear and engaging writer, Garrett demystifies legal topics and presents them in a very understandable and accessible manner.

Garrett has over thirty years experience in assisting individuals and businesses to limit their liability, protect their assets, implement advantageous corporate structures and advance their financial goals.

Garrett is the author of “Start Your Own Corporation,” “Writing Winning Business Plans,” “Buying and Selling a Business” and “The ABC’s of Getting Out of Debt” among other titles.

Garrett is the owner and operator of, which since 1988, has provided affordable asset protection and corporate formation services, as well as resources for entrepreneurs and real estate investors. Robert Kiyosaki, the best selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad calls Garrett and Corporate Direct “the premiere source for asset protection strategies.”

Garrett attended Colorado College and the University of California at Berkeley, where he received a B.S. in Business Administration in 1975. He graduated with a J.D. in 1978 from Hastings Law, the University of California’s law school in San Francisco. He has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and other publications. Garrett enjoys speaking on asset protection strategies and is a frequent lecturer for business groups and the Rich Dad’s Advisors educational series.

Garrett serves on the boards of the American Baseball Foundation, located in Birmingham, Alabama, and the Reno-Nevada based Sierra Kids Foundation.

For more information on Garrett Sutton, please visit his Web sites at,, and

Most helpful customer reviews

21 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent book! Completely changed my views about businesses & corporations.
By Kamarulzaman Ishak
I gave it 5 stars because of the way it was written which makes it easy for new entrepreneurs to understand and apply its principles. Now I know how risky it is to start a business as a sole proprietor or in a partnership. The author convinced me that in order to protect one's wealth, it is important to create a corporation. All in all, this book is the perfect complement to Robert Kiyosaki's book, Rich Dad Poor Dad.

45 of 48 people found the following review helpful.
Wealth of information
By Andres Pedraza
Garrett Sutton goes through all the reasons why doing business as a person is a bad idea. If you operate under your own name, you open yourself up to liabilities which can wipe you out financially and emotionally, often through no fault of your own (except for ignorance). You also pay much more in taxes than you should have, based on higher tax rates and less options for legitimate deductions.

He then goes on to describe the different forms of entities you can form to operate under, and clearly explains the pros and cons behind each one. Some are really no different than operating under your own name. Garrett labels these 'bad entities' and steers you clear of them. The remaining 'good entities' are explained, with many examples, so you can find one that fits your particular situation. There is no 'one size fits all', as the examples will make quite clear.

Asset protection, tax benefits, estate planning, succession planning, these are all covered in enough detail to be useful, but not so much that your eyes glaze over. This book is no replacement for an attorney's advice, or a CPA's, and Garrett is also very clear on this. It will, however, give you a leg up so when you do talk to your own advisor(s), they will not need to explain every little concept to you, and if you get billed by the hour, then this book will save you many hours.

Highly recommended, and a credit to the Rich Dad Advisor series.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
*The* book for starting your own business
By Empress Cindy
This is a superb book! Sutton tells us everything we need to know to get started in clear and straightforward language. Because of this book, I decided to start Empress Cindy Books LLC to publish my books on Amazon.

If you're even thinking of starting a business, this is the book to read. And once you decide to start, I highly recommend the companion book, "Run Your Own Corpoation."

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Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

[E557.Ebook] Fee Download Lost Love Found, by Bertrice Small

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Lost Love Found, by Bertrice Small

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Lost Love Found, by Bertrice Small

Despite her breathtaking appearance at Queen Elizabeth's court, Valentina's innocence was shattered when she discovered that her true father may have been the lusty Sultan Murad of Istanbul. Needing to learn more, she set sail for the East in a dangerous erotic journey toward the truth....
"Bertrice Small creates cover-to-cover passion, a keen sense of history and suspense."

  • Sales Rank: #1034145 in Books
  • Brand: Ballantine Books
  • Published on: 1991-10-13
  • Released on: 1991-10-13
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.90" h x 1.30" w x 4.20" l,
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 512 pages
  • Great product!

From the Inside Flap
Despite her breathtaking appearance at Queen Elizabeth's court, Valentina's innocence was shattered when she discovered that her true father may have been the lusty Sultan Murad of Istanbul. Needing to learn more, she set sail for the East in a dangerous erotic journey toward the truth....
"Bertrice Small creates cover-to-cover passion, a keen sense of history and suspense."

About the Author
Beatrice Small lives with her husband, George; Deuteromony, the long-haired Maine Coon Cat; Checquers, the fat black and white cat with the pink ears; Nicky the Cockatiel; and Gilberto, the cranky Half-Moon Conure, in the English speaking community in New York State. The family heir, Tom, is now a college man. Beatrice Small is the author of The Kadin, Love Wild and Fair, Adora, Skye O'Malley, Unconquered, Beloved, All The Sweet Tomorrows, This Heart Of Mine, Enchantress Mine, Blaze Wyndham, Lost Love Found, The Spitfire, and A Love For All Time. She loves hearing from her readers. You can write to her at P.O. Box 765, Southold, NY 11971

Most helpful customer reviews

16 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
My favorite in the O'Malley Saga
By J. Austin
Valentina is my favorite heroine in the O'Malley series and more like Skye than Skye's offspring is. When Valentina goes to court to serve Elizabeth I, I was heartbroken. Mrs. Small's exceptional writing and incredible detail showed me how the lively days of courtlife in Elizabeth's youth had dramatically changed and become a somber place as Elizabeth approached her last days. When a family secret is revealed, Valentina shows us her adventurous spirit and heads East! Her adventures are incredible! I appreciated how Mrs. Small touched on "The Kadin" through the duchy of San Lorenzo and reintroducing us to Esther Kira (who met Valentina's mother in "A Love for All Time"). Also, the appearance of Cica Pasha tied into "Love Wild and Fair." Wonderful! (A note to Mrs. Small: Since you have touched on Esther Kira so often, how about a book dedicated to her entire life. Just a thought.) I wept at least 3 times and was filled with anger, frustration, joy, fear, and triumph as Mrs. Small weaved her magic spell of words and phrases and pulled me into her story. If you haven't read the O'Malley series, you might get a little confused. You should at least read "A Love for All Time" which is the tale of Aidan, Valentina's mother, and is the basis of much of this book's plot.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
One of my favorites in the Skye O'Malley saga
By J. Austin
I truly enjoyed Valentina and thought her character better than Velvet and Jasmine. I loved how this book touched on so many other stories. The Mediteranean island where Janet Leslie was taken (see "The Kadin") and the return of Cica Pasha. (see "Love Wild and Fair"). Of course, I loved seeing Esther Kira again. Valentina is stronger than Aidan, but very much her mother's daughter. I can't say enough good things about this book. There is romance, adventure, and on-the-edge-of-your-seat-suspense.

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Wise Old Bess Knew The Truth!
By Carol Storm
The queen's gnarled fingers pinched the girl's baby-smooth cheeks. "Do not deceive yourself, Valentina," the wise and majestic old woman croaked. "Journey to the East if you will, but do not expect to remain cool and untouched forever. You are an O'Malley, like your cursed grandmother. Your will is strong, but your nature is hot and passionate."

Valentina St. Michaels determined to discover the secret of her birth. Though raised an Elizabethan noble, her mother was once a harem slave to a great sultan of India. Val has no wish to repeat her mother's sensual experiences, but when her trading fleet is wrecked in a storm fate tosses her from one devastatingly handsome man to another. Forced to yield to her own sensual nature in order to survive, Val soon discovers that wise old Queen Bess knew the truth about her passionate nature. But will Val become passion's master or a slave like her mother? Will she ever reclaim her royal identity? Will she discover love as well as pleasure?

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Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

[I139.Ebook] Free PDF The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography, by John C. Lilly

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The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography, by John C. Lilly

The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography, by John C. Lilly

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The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography, by John C. Lilly

Tells the story of John Lilly's discoveries from his early experiments; mapping the brains of monkeys and communication with dolphins, to his experience with consciousness expanding drugs. The book includes an update on Lilly's work on human/dolphin communication and returning animals to the wild.

  • Sales Rank: #373199 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Ronin Publishing, Inc.
  • Model: 1747927
  • Published on: 1996-10-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.46" h x .81" w x 5.56" l, .81 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 232 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From the Back Cover
The author of Mind of the Dolphin and Center of the Cyclone tells the story of his astonishing discoveries - from his early experiments mapping the brains of monkeys and communication with dolphins to his awesome breakthroughs with consciousness expanding drugs and isolation tanks. His revelations in The Scientist are staggering - his latest report on the "solid state conspiracy", on communication with extraterrestrials and the imperative of dolphin/human dialog will grip the reader with its sense of cosmic vision. This expanded edition of The Scientist contains "bubbles" of consensus reality - text and photos - in the hyperspace narrative. It includes an introduction by Timothy Leary, an afterward by Burgess Meredith, biographical and bibliographic information. The third edition has an update on John Lilly's work with Human/Dolphin communication and the results of recent reintroduction of captive dolphins and other cetaceans to the wild.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I had read several of Lilly's books in the late ...
By James R. Nielsen
I had read several of Lilly's books in the late 70s and early 80s so the subject matter was familiar to me.The book was fascinating!

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
A major figure in the study of life and mind
By Featherless Biped
Lilly was one of the greatest scientists and pioneers on the limits of human possibility of modern times but after his death a collective amnesia has descended and his is now almost forgotten.

Lilly was a generation (or more) ahead of his time. He is almost single-handedly responsible for the great interest in dolphins (which led to the Marine Mammal Protection Act in the USA and helped to found the animal rights movement). In 1958 he noted that the brains of elephants and cetaceans were larger than ours, that we should not abuse them and that it was one our most important projects to communicate with them. He invented sensory isolation tanks (at NIMH in 1954) and used them extensively with and without powerful psychoactive drugs at a time when it was thought that either the brain would shut down or one would go insane if external stimuli were eliminated.

He created methods for implanting electrodes in mammal brains and was planning to do it to himself. He was one of the first to make serious use of computers in bioscience research and created the hardware and software to make the first attempts to communicate with dolphins. He self experimented with dangerous physiological investigations in high altitude medicine for the military during WW2, took LSD with dolphins and movie stars, submitted himself to the rigors of Arica training, and taught classes at Esalen.

He was the first one to investigate the bizarre psychedelic ketamine, and his results (published in the two last chapters of his book `The Scientist`) are still the best data on the dose/effect relation of any psychedelic on one person. And all this happened before most of us were born!

He had courage, honesty and integrity that is rare anywhere and almost nonexistent in science. His goal was to find the ultimate truth about everything and he went about as far as anyone ever has. He had little patience with the stupid and hypocritical games one has to play to fit into monkey society. Of course the reaction of the establishment was predictable. He left the NIMH and was never given any government or academic support for the last 35 years of his life. His paper and comments at a conference on sensory deprivation were removed from the published version. He was not invited to government sponsored symposia on dolphins(he had refused to help develop them as weapons), though he clearly knew more about them than anyone in the world.

He liked to live and work on the edge and few could keep up with him, as this books make clear. If you have read some of his other books it will be much easier going. He was a pioneer in consciousness research and pushed the boundaries of our understanding of who we are and what we might become. Among other things he catalogs the various states reached by drugs, meditation, and isolation, tries to determine their significance, and suggests how to use them.

As a result of all his research, especially his months of continuous hourly injections of ketamine, he became convinced that our ordinary reality was not the only one. During his trips he was often in communication with members of a civilization 1000 years in the future. We all allow ourselves such experiences every time we watch a scifi movie and sometimes it leaves us more than just amused, but when anyone meditates or takes a drug to do it we tend to discount the results. Lilly however, took it all seriously, and parts of his book explain why. Whatever our mind produces --by any means --only happens because our brains are programmed by our genes to make it possible. So it's at least plausible that any of these routes inward reveal fundamental aspects of what's possible for us in the future, or even for some other species elsewhere in the universe.

If you find his scientifically based viewpoints irrational, consider that most people believe without evidence (really with abundant evidence to the contrary) in good and bad luck, in super beings living in space who rule the earth, in a place in spacetime where dead people go, in stars millions of light years away influencing their lives, and in ghosts, angels, witches, and gods that come to earth to inhabit statues that read our thoughts and violate all the laws of physics, chemistry and biology in order to help us personally.

He describes his tank work (and lots more) in The Dyadic Cyclone, The Center of the Cyclone, and in Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer (1967) and other books and papers.

This and his other books are pleas to examine your beliefs with an open mind.

He defines metabeliefs as those about belief systems. He says that our simulations of reality (with meditation, isolation, drugs, computers) can provide access to other realities which may include the future, the past, or extraterrestrial. He refers to metaprograms as learning tools (symbols, programs, languages, ideas, models) which our central programs (mind or part of it) run all the time. Cognitive psychology did not really exist at the time he was most active and now we would likely call the central programs cognitive templates, modules or inference engines.
He refers to self-metaprograms (or essences) as parts of the mind that program our experiences.

Though he carried out an exhausting and dangerous program of self experimentation with psychedelics (what many now call entheogens), he did not believe they are a final or complete path to higher consciousness.
However, as I reflect on this, I note that tens of millions have successfully explored their cognitive templates with psychedelics while meditation alone may have generated a few hundred thousand satoris and probably less than 1000 mystics of whom we know. It is also clear that psychedelics have led millions to meditation.

He mentions the very psychedelic Revelations of St. John and understands that Jesus taught revelation from within-- ie, the same sort of self transcendence as Taoism and Buddhism. He discusses how we use drugs, sex, money, groups, war etc as substitutes for God. God as compassion, science, consciousness or superspace (the then current concepts of cosmology are explained and he imagines the universe collapsing and being reborn--very contemporary!). He discusses god in here vs god out there but notes that if it's out there then its a puzzle where math comes from. His experiences make him doubt that death is the end.

He was very open to all ideas and his desire to consider all points of view makes some parts of his books rambling and a bit incoherent. He crams so many ideas on each page that there is easily enough in each to form the core of ten books or a lifetime of research and personal exploration. Among the blizzard of mind boggling ideas are: war is the result of a future civilization using us for war games; we are god simulating himself, our interstellar rockets find intelligent machines that follow us back to earth and take over; government sponsored meditation classes, computers that control and monitor all communication and take control of civilization, our genes generate the illusion that we live in a certain and determinate universe; we are simulated by God or vice versa.

Though he must have crossed paths countless times with Indian mystics and Buddhists, strangely, he was most influenced by an obscure American mystic named Franklin Merrell-Wolff--another remarkable figure now almost totally lost in time.

Lilly was an extremely bright and highly rational person yet he became convinced of the reality of his extraterrestrial membership in a future civilization and he went into a 6 week depression after a ketamine trip in which they showed him the collapse of the universe.

It was clear to him that the phenomena of the mind were capable of scientific study but this was quite heretical 40 years ago. What a great pity that he never delved into Wittgenstein's philosophy nor became acquainted with Osho!

Some of his books like "The Scientist" end with reprints of some of his papers and poems.

Someone should put all his writings plus photos and other memorabilia on a DVD!

32 of 32 people found the following review helpful.
By Scott Kruis
One of my four most influential authors, I first read of John in an Omni magazine and I do not remember what the story was about. Soon I was drawn to his books on dolphin research and I read every thing that he has written on them. He was the foremost pioneer and one of the best in dolphin research. One of his goals was to communicate with dolphins and he came pretty close but gave it up when he decided man was not ready for that knowledge. The movie "Day of the Dolphin" originates out of his dolphin research and showed how man has taken his research and knowledge, suppressed it to the public, and used it for power and political gain. One of the largest influences on me of the dolphin studies was my understanding that there were intelligent beings on earth either on par with or superior with humanity. Knowing and accepting this has been very influential in my life and how I have grown. I followed along on the rest of John's writings and learned from and was influenced by them as well. His books on spirituality and the world beyond our consciousness have lead me beyond many of the walls placed in front of my mind by our society. The movie "Altered States" originated from Lilly's book "The Center of the Cyclone" which was about his experiences with altered states of the mind. The presence of CCG's, or the Coincidence Control Group, that John met when out of his body has stayed with me since reading of them. For John was told by them that we have control of small scale coincidences but the CCG works with the large scale coincidences. His autobiography is a great overview of all that he has done and leaves me with awe and a desire to see and understand the world beyond what I have been taught.

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[I139.Ebook] Free PDF The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography, by John C. Lilly Doc

[I139.Ebook] Free PDF The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography, by John C. Lilly Doc
[I139.Ebook] Free PDF The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography, by John C. Lilly Doc